My Tesla Investment Thesis: Why Tesla is the most exciting thing going on in the world today

Introduction I've been a Tesla investor for nearly 4 years now, but looking back at when I first invested in Tesla stock, I must admit I didn't understand the company all that well at the time. The biggest reason I invested was because of my admiration for Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk. I had just finished reading his biography by Ashley Vance, and I vividly remember finishing the 8 th chapter that describes what Elon went through during the global financial crisis of 2008. It's then and there that I decided to invest in Tesla. Reading about what Elon went through and accomplished in 2008, gave me the confidence that even if Tesla isn't guaranteed to succeed, all it needs is a chance at success, because that's all Elon needs. So with that, I bought my first Tesla shares. From this point onward I started following the stock price, and keeping up-to-date with all the news surrounding the company. So as time passed I learned more and more about Tesla, and I ad...